How to Embed Kick Live Streams on any Website (2023)

Live streaming has revolutionized the way content creators engage with their audience, and in the dynamic landscape of online streaming platforms, has emerged as a formidable contender. With its enticing array of creator-friendly policies and a lineup of prominent streamers like Adin Ross and Hikaru Nakamura, has garnered attention as a platform that could rival the likes of Twitch. As we enter the year 2023, the interest in continues to soar, and website owners and content creators are eager to tap into this wave and embed Kick live streams directly onto their own websites.

Kick has struck a chord with creators and viewers alike, thanks in part to its attractive revenue sharing model. By offering a remarkable 95-5 subscriber revenue split, surpassing the industry-standard ratios set by Twitch and YouTube, Kick has positioned itself as a haven for content creators seeking more favorable compensation. Not stopping there, also boasts a 100% split on Kicks, their platform’s donation service, allowing creators to receive same-day payouts instead of waiting for monthly remittances. These generous policies, combined with the promise of a steady income based on hours watched and total viewers, make Kick an enticing prospect for content creators looking to expand their reach and monetize their content effectively.

While Kick is still in its beta phase, it currently does not provide a native solution for embedding Kick live streams on external websites. However, fear not, as there are ways to achieve and embed Kick streams on your own website which I am going to detail below. While these techniques require some additional effort and technical expertise, they offer viable alternatives to embed Kick live streams into your website until Kick releases its official embedding functionality.

When Kick releases their own embedding experience, this guide will be updated to reflect those changes.

How to embed Kick Streams on your website with iframes

Not long ago, the only way to embed Kick streams on your website was to use a complicated method involving a Javascript library called HLS.js. Thanksfully now that’s no longer needed and the embed experience on Kick is much closer to that of Twitch and YouTube.

All you need to do to embed your first Kick stream on your website is get the username of the user you want to embed, and use it with an iframe code like this:

<iframe src="" style="width:100%;aspect-ratio:16/9"></iframe>

simply replace “bige” with the Kick username of the stream you’re trying to embed. It’s that simple. Place the iframe somewhere on your website and you will see the embedded Kick player in action.

Embedded Kick player for Kick streamer Bige

Once you’ve embedded your iframe using the code above, you should see that it’s styled to be 100% width with an aspect ratio of 16/9. These are very generic style that should work for many situations but there may be some situations where you don’t want the iframe to be 100%, or you might want the aspect ratio to be different. In the case simply edit the style=”” piece of the iframe and change as needed. You can change the width value to something like “800px”, you can also add the height too with “height=500px”. You can also remove the aspect-ratio code if that helps. See a variation of the iframe code below:

<iframe src="" width="800px" height="600px"></iframe>

Unfortunately there is no good way to embed chat from Kick, but once there is you can be sure to find the code for that here also. If you want to learn more about embedding Kick streams on your WordPress website with more variety in layouts and customisations, check out the next section.

How to embed Kick Streams on your WordPress website with StreamWeasels Kick Integration

Introducing the Kick Integration Plugin for WordPress, the latest solution that allows you to effortlessly embed Kick content on your WordPress website. With this new plugin, you can seamlessly integrate Kick live streams into your WordPress-powered site with just a few clicks.

Say goodbye to complicated manual embedding processes and hello to a user-friendly interface that simplifies the integration of Kick content. Whether you’re a streamer, gaming enthusiast, or content creator, the Kick Integration Plugin for WordPress will allow you to embed Kick streamers on your WordPress website with just a list of Kick usernames. You can also customise your embedded Kick content by changing things like the number of columns and the colours.

StreamWeasels Kick Integration

As of right now, the StreamWeasels Kick Integration plugin for WordPress is rather limited compared to our other plugins for Twitch and YouTube, but as the Kick API becomes more powerful and better documented over the next few months we hope to improve the plugin with many more options and customisations – to help make it the most powerful Kick Integration plugin on the market.

In Conclusion

Here at StreamWeasels, we feel that Kick is doing a pretty good job and may slowly be becoming a proper competitor to Twitch and YouTube. For that reason we will be focussing more and more on bringing new Kick WordPress products to the market to ensure WordPress users have the ability to quickly and easily embed Kick content on their own WordPress websites.

If you are in the WordPress space and you just want to display Kick content in a professional and consistent manner, let StreamWeasels do the hard work and try out StreamWeasels Kick Integration below.

StreamWeasels Kick Integration

Integrate Kick into your WordPress website in minutes.